Sad, but true.
It seems like nowadays, only those who are scamming other people, can be successful easily.
Not only those who are spamming email around to con people. Even those who are wearing suit, looks smart, can also be scammers!
Don’t believe? Look around your office. Look at some of your workmate or your supervisor or anyone else.
Very high possibilities they scam around to hit sales quota, took credits on the work that other people did and submit to superior and claim that it is done by them. Or even sabotage or hijack some projects that other people work hard on it to get promoted or salary raise.
Look at the mirror, you might be one of these scammers too!
You are not? Oh really?
No scammers will going to admit them self as a scammer!
Well, the biggest scammer we can see nowadays, are those politicians.
Don’t read those mainstream newspapers, those are tools that used by these politicians to do their scam.
Read alternative media, such as Malaysia Kini. You will get more accurate news rather than those fabricated bullshits from those mainstream newspapers which controlled by these politicians. Why waste money to buy these papers with bullshits?
Yeah so need cAreful and
Have giveaway have a look
Who they are?